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Humble pie,anyone?

   You load the trailer,750-500,make sure the pin is in the pintle,off you go, lets do some overlashin the mountains.With close to 40 years experience between the two of you,and the fact your both ol-school dawgs,"Been there,done that, Ive got that shirt" type of lineman who lives and eats the CATV experience.The type who uses difficulty to further his enjoyment.Where normally an easement run of this magnitude would be a MFER in anybodies book with twice as many people, the two of you are supremely confident.Yeah, uh huh.You set up, not even driving it out because, hey, you got to get through it anyway,grab your perfectly braided,perfectly broke in, headache rope and sling it to the ground.Lets get er done.Unload the quad major tom ,check ignition and put your beckets on.Off you go,pullin, walkin the line, trimmin trees,settin the dual cables in thar like only a pro like you could do.1  2  3   spans,4 5 6 .Eleven spans later you shoot the rope through the last tree.You climb down and notice theres no amplifier on your T-lead,simultaneously you both look over to the east, one easement over,and see a shiny SA amp.Mouths open you look back at your T-lead, with its dc-8  and tap, then look back at your cables coming out of the trees, you shake your head.Back to the truck for a smoke.No matter how good we are good lineman will always have their moments, some more than others.
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There are 6 replies to this message
Re: Humble pie,anyone? fundude101 1/19/2009 10:32:37 PM
Re: Humble pie,anyone? jebarger 1/19/2009 8:46:35 PM
Re: Humble pie,anyone? superlinedog 1/19/2009 12:21:08 AM
Re: Humble pie,anyone? oldlinedawg 1/18/2009 4:55:23 PM
Re: Humble pie,anyone? SpeedLasher 1/18/2009 4:52:10 PM
Re: Humble pie,anyone? cabledog 1/18/2009 4:50:47 PM