Thank you. As you can probably tell by now, I have a problem with the biggest problem America faces at this time in my estimation. The ENTITLEMENT mentality. I should not have to do anything but want everything mindset.
People want "free" health care. But here is the rub, somebody has to pay for it. The pols say tax the rich. OK you take a bigger chunk out of the millionaires pocket to pay for that, but then a lays off a worker or two to make up for it. Great for everybody except the guys who got fired. Or tax corporations.Here is another little something you don't hear the talking heads tell you, Corporations don't pay taxes, you and I do. Corporations just pass their tax burden onto you by charging you more for their goods or services. Think about it, they sit down and figure out what it costs them to make their widget, add a few percent on for a profit and that is what you pay. Corps dont have a 9 to 5 hourly job.
But it sounds good on a 10 second sound bite to say these things. So the politicians keep on sayin but never get around to doin.
Even that world shaking tobacco settlement of a few years past is a sham, it was the biggest tax increase of all time. The purpose of that was to offset the costs of medical for smokers incurred by the states and smoking cessation. Most states have already burned through most of the money even though it is a multi decade pay out for the total amount. And guess what, it was not primarily on anything to do with smokers or smoking. Some states like NJ actually "factored" it to get the money to plug holes in their budgets and are liable to repay it if any of the the companies default on it. But here is the kicker. Most of the tobacco companies are part of bigger conglomerates. Do you think RJR Nabisco did not add a penny or 2 to EVERYTHING they sold to America? Smokers and non smokers alike paid that money to.......wait for it.... THE GOVERNMENT. Call it what you want, I send money to the government it is a tax. And most of America cheered for this one.
I know some of this does not have anything to do with what this thread is about, but it does all at the same time. Dont be closed minded. Sometimes you have to look at the other side of an argument and you may not like what you find. You very well could be wrong. If it is truly important to you, be willing to spend a little time to educate yourself on both sides of the coin, form an opinion of your own. Then do what you believe in to fix it.
I am a registered Republican, could you guess? But here is the God's honest truth. Its only a moniker. I am a conservative, does not mean I am married to a party. I believe we are all responsible for our own destiny. I understand why Obama won, and truly wish him God Speed, but have some very serious concerns about his stated policy objectives. And W has pulled some hair brained ideas, I fully admit them but has also done some things that needed to be done. Watch your elected officials and vote your conscience and not your "I want everything for free and with no effort on my part" voice and see how fast this country regains its place as the king of the hill.