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Re: What is causing Oil Prices to Drop???

right on that new admin. not even intact is the root of evil. so you excuse the gas prices of your, furor n. frenzied excitement, for the last 3 + years that has driven up the price of every commodity on the globe. might as well put 2 turds to rest in one setting. supply and demand, suppose someone just turned off the faucet for 3 months and now turning it back on since the Muslim came to power. it's a proven fact the speculators drove up the oil prices(need a link?) bcz of the likes starting with ronnie raygun's administration's deregulation/non-oversight theory. do you need a webster moment of the word theory also? and continued with robust with the w.hiz administration. loco(fitting) claims opec has cut production simple fact while you've been sleeping opec cut oil production over 3 months ago if memory serves me right. so ironically opec cut production and the gas prices have plummeted, oh, wait, i get it, demand has gone down. funny i haven't seen any drop off activity in planes and automobiles across the country can't speak for trains and ships. but surely you projectionist have an answer? let's move on if you can keep up if not take notes. someone from your exclusive click made the statement that there's been no attacks on our soil since 9/11 preferably praising (texas ranger) photo chopped brush slayer george walker bush. once again it is a proven fact that this administration was fore warned of eminent danger by at least 12 other countries, need a link or does anything in black or white mean anything to you projectionists? funny none of your "click" can address anything i proclaim you just blo it off as a rant, typical party before country ten year old response. before i leave you, to show your face once again, let us address the word "RANT",v.i. speak violently or wildly? again you accuse me, if your so knowledgeable address the fact that there was or wasn't pre-warning of 9/*ucking 11. oops did I just rant or am I just pissed off because my/your gov. didn't take heed in/of their own arrogance. address one thing that i've stated as fiction squirrels and i'll be happy that you have a stance/leg to stand on but you've proven neither so far. oh what a rant?
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Posted in reply to: Re: What is causing Oil Prices to Drop??? by sab3r
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