As 2008 draws to a close and we all put yet another year behind us I have been thinking of the past year and wondering about the year ahead. This year has been both good and bad for me.
Good: My daughter has finally finished nursing school and is gainfully employed. (NO more phone calls starting DaaaDeee) as soon as I heard this word at the beginning of the phone call I knew it was going to cost me money.
Bad: This also means I will hear from her a little less often.
Good: My son has finally got his head out of his a@# and has decided to go back to school and get his life together.
Bad: Phone calls starting Hi Dad I need to talk to you about something. Translation: I need money.
Good: Wrapped up my work over here and heading back to the states after 7 years.
Bad: No more walking into a bar at 11 PM and crawling out at 8 AM
Good: Got to see a lot of Asia, meet a lot of nice people, make some good friends, date some hot looking women that do not have attitudes.
Bad: Getting back to the states and dealing with women that have that have attitudes.
Good: Having a steak that weight’s more than 4 oz’s and not paying $80.00 for it.
Bad: Trying to find a place that serves hot saki and not paying $20.00 for it
Good: Living closer to my family
Bad: Living closer to my family
Good: Telling my now Ex boss that he truly is a A#$hole and could not manage a good case of the runs let alone a company and knowing that I will never have to deal with him again.
Bad: Getting use to a new boss
Good: Going to the PI and Thailand for vacation when ever I wanted to because it was cheap
Bad: having to pay more to go to PI and Thailand for vacation
Good: Under standing what everyone is saying and talking about
Bad: Not being to use the excuse I’m a foreigner and I don’t understand.
Good: Not having to carry two kinds of currency to pay for things.
Bad: Not being able to exchange $1.00 and get 117 yen in return.
Good: Not having to drive on the opposite side of the road
Bad: Not being able to take a clean bus, train, or taxi anywhere I want to go for a reasonable price.
Good: Living and working in Washington DC for General Dynamics.
Bad: Living and working in Washington DC for General Dynamics.
And finally GOOD: In this industry if you don’t like a job with a little hard work and a good reputation you cal always find a new one.
Good by 2008
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