Where do you come up with this? I am not one to defend the big MSO's because I feel they have lost touch with there employees as most big companies have. But there is nothing about this in the news or on the net except here on this forum.

If Comcast were to fire 1200 employees then there would be something some where. No big company can get rid of that many people with out the news picking up on it and reporting it.

Any Comcast employees out there get fired like this? Lets hear from you.

Now it's Comcasts first financial quarter as they run their fiscal year from Oct to Sep and they always shut down rebuilds, sweeps, and most other contracts except installs for the first quarter. Then starting in Jan they start looking at what needs done just to maintain what they have and finally in April they go balls to the walls again until Oct or Nov and the whole thing starts again. It's the way they have always done it, stop all the contractors work for the first quarter so they can reassess what they need to do the rest of the year and show their stock holders a good return.

Believe me nobody is getting a good stock return this year.

I have worked for them both in-house and as a contractor and it's nothing new. Most of the supervisors or managers of the primes know to expect this and I seen many times they don't tell there employees until the last second that it's coming because they don't want them to walk off the job early.

How many of you guys that contract have seen this before at the end of OCT it starts to slow down and then usually right before the holidays you get laid off until the end of Jan.

But hey Chicken Little the sky is not falling. If you work in this business long enough you would know it's the way it goes every year.

If you are one of the contractors that got laid off I am sorry for you but that's why we all pay into unemployment or have a side business. For everybody I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.