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Back when I made this

Back when I made this prediction people laughed and thought it was funny. Thing is, now is it funny?

"dow at 8000 by months end and 5000 by the end of december
the fed will cut rates .50 0n the 29th

housing has not bottomed out and the market has yet to adjust for the derivatives market and swaps, although insurance companies did take a beating today.

It is probably going to take around 10 trillion to correct the market

REITS took a beating yesterday and so far retirement funds have lost 2.3 trillion this year and most 401k's have lost 35%.

Smoke should start to settle around june or july barring a complete collapse."

I happened to be off by 3 weeks on the 8000. The new bottom will be 7400 and my projection for 5000 has moved up to Jan.

Also, keep an I on the COMEX it is over sold for december. Some will probably go to jail for this one.
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There is 1 reply to this message
Re: Back when I made this voices 11/19/2008 11:28:00 PM