Well when you're using a fiber stretcher, the fiber tends to leak so you have to use a light-catcher at the home because the attachment point at the house is lower than the span and gravity tends to pull light towards the ground. The light-catcher consists of a bucket that holds light. Now for that you can use the 3-4-5 wrap to hold the light bucket up by the drop attachment. However, the light-catcher will have to be serviced periodically. The way to tell if the light-catcher is full is to look inside and see if any dark is in there. If you see dark in the light-catcher, it doesn't need to be changed. However, if you see light, it is time to change the light-catcher. Since most MSO's are going green and implementing recycling programs, you should make sure to empty the light-catcher into the end of a new fiber line.