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squirrel stories

It's that time of year. What's your best story?
Once in Amarillo, I felt one running down the line, I looked over, and from about 10 feet away there was a squirrel on the line. I kept working and felt the line vibrate. I thought it was leaving, but looked up and he was running twords me. All of a sudden it jumped. I thought "so this is how it ends. Attacked by a squirrel and fell 20 feet". The squirrel jumps over me and climbs into the power zone and is gone. There is a permanent yellow and brown stain below that pole.
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There are 6 replies to this message
Re: squirrel stories bigmagyar 10/30/2008 7:08:00 AM
Re: squirrel stories Lightmaster 10/29/2008 11:21:00 AM
Re: squirrel stories Joe50 10/29/2008 10:41:00 AM
Re: squirrel stories cablewolf214 10/29/2008 8:00:00 AM
Re: squirrel stories cabledog 10/29/2008 7:14:00 AM
Re: squirrel stories MikeEd 10/29/2008 1:04:00 AM