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Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path

Okay, Joe! Your statement= this country was "born" with the law of supply and demand? The "law" of supply and demand is similar to the "laws" of gravity! Both of these are theories, not written "laws" that govern a country! Making laws to cure the result of a poorly run government isn't the solution! Having that same gov. do their job, instead of the public looking the other way when times are good and not demanding they do so, "that" would be the problem! This situation didn't crop up yesterday! Outside of pepto bismol, if you're choosin' your candidate based on gas relief, you know, the temporary solution to a much bigger problem, ya probably shouldn't have a vote!
This is posting #226993. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path by CABLE JOE
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