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Anniversary Week

Everybody that reads here probably knows Duck loves a good hurricane. As I watched the news it spoke of anniversary's this week . They spoke of Andrew and Katrina . Hurricane Andrew hit Dade county Florida on August 24th and Morgan City on the 26th .Katrina devastated New Orleans on August 29th. Here we have Gustav along the same time frame . I wonder how many know what hurricane was the deadliest as far as a loss of human life. On Sept. 8th and 9th 1900 , The Galveston hurricane , killed over 8000 people , I think second to that was the Labor Day hurricane on Sept.2nd 1935 in the Keys. Thank God for techknowledgy at least now we have some warning systems in place . With Gustav predicted to impact land as early as next Monday somewhere between the Florida Panhandle to the Texas coast I'm personally glad I don't live in that part of the country . My heart goes out to all those that do . I just got a feeling this storm might do some major damage . I think of all the dead bodies being removed after Katrina , I wonder how many of those that died knew it was coming and chose to sit it out . I think of the footage of that14ft alligator swimming around eating corpses . I hope the USG learned from their mistakes in the past and don't wait to long to evacuate people this time . If a cat 4 or 5 makes landfall there will be alot of work for an extended period of time . I hope everbodys ready . I still remember heading to Florida after Andrew , the caravans of power trucks headed that way . I spray painted Andrew on my bucket/basket before I left home , people would go by and honk their horns or give you a thumbs up as they passed by . Kinda made you feel special that you could help . I can still recall the look on peoples faces that had lost everything . Homestead Fla. looked like parts of it were swept with a broom , slab houses gone , just the toilet pipe left sticking up out of the concrete , piles of rubble 40 ft high . Sometimes having a photographic memory is not kind to you ,but you learn to live with it . Its time to start calling systems before they evacuate and aren't there to answer . Well only time will tell what will become of this storm and Ducks sure enough ancey sitting here waiting . (usa) "WHITFIELD"(sunny)
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Re: Anniversary Week ethu 8/27/2008 7:09:00 PM