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Re: My Pride Inc.

Recently you responded to an ad that our company placed on "cable bar". As is expected with all new contracts we experienced a slow beginning. However, we have just been informed that we will now be handling the service for 42 states. In addition, the pre-paid phone company will no longer send trouble calls to the local phone companies. This means that all types of service calls will now originate through our company. It is expected to increase our work order load by as much as ten times. What started out as a supplemental income for technicians has now become a potential full time job.

We are uncertain of the exact volume of jobs for any particular area, but our company does not want to wait until we are over loaded to find field technicians. Because of this we would like to know if you are still interested in this kind of work, if so please contact our office immediately by email or phone.

Louis Trusty


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Posted in reply to: Re: My Pride Inc. by dsatelitmn
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Re: My Pride Inc. rnews 8/25/2008 11:08:00 PM