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Re: section 8

My father was a food stamp and well-fare fraud investigator for many years in Pa. He was a child of the depression and a POW in WWII. He use to tell me stories about some of the scams people would try to pull. If you can prove this guy is spending his money on anything but food, housing, and utilities then the state will stop it. But its defiantly a hard thin to prove.
I myself have been so broke at times a ra-man noodles was a feast. But even then I never applied or took any well-fare. I even took a job empting garbage cans on the beach for 6 months just to pay the bills. Hard, hot, nasty, decussating work but I paid my bills doing it. If I ever had to I would do it again. If you give someone something most of the time they don’t appreciate it. But if they have to work for it they do because they earned it. I am a firm believer in work-fair not well-fare. Even if its just picking up trash in the park or along the road two or three days a week. But then you would have the ACLU screaming that you are violating their rights by letting everyone who sees them working that they are on assistance. Too many people think their entitled to what ever they want whenever they want it because they want it and they don’t have to work for it. I have no use for those kinds of people. So much for my rants but you touched a nerve.
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Posted in reply to: section 8 by Nate30
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: section 8 guerillasplicer 8/22/2008 11:04:00 PM
Re: section 8 Gwester843 8/22/2008 10:58:00 AM