We had our meeting in to Dallas discuss the problems of smalll operators.Small operators are like small contractors.Here is the price accept it or get out.We meet to discuss the unfair pricing of programing ,retransmission consent(paying the TV stations for carriage)and pole rental rates that are uncontrolled.Since the great State of Texas has 300 to 500 small systems in a real bind something needs to be done.Bigger companys bought out all the small guys and never did any improvements on the systems,just upped the price and slowed the maintaince down.I call it management by lawyer or accountant. What difference will it make to me,what if you could be prime on a job,lots of difference .Small operators tend to pay there bills.Back in the late 60sand 70s I was a prime on numerous jobs before I turned 30.We are pushing for something like the RUS loan but easier to get and grants to put in broadband in to rural areas.Any way I am proud of the meeting 50 people showed up and 3 Congressional Represenatives met with us.Small contractors will work good with small operators.Chuck
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