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Re: Survey: Tired of people complaining

Not tired bro, Sick and tired is more like it.
Prices are not what they should be. Well guess what, It's the same everywhere. Cunstruction prices dropped, Comercial construction prices, landscape, painting,cleaning. It's everywhere.
Peopel don't stand up any more because of fear of loosing whatever job they do have and having nothing at all.
I say the hell with it, whats right is right.
At the end of the day when you lay down, you have to live with what choices you made and being able to face myself in the miror and teach my children by example is far more important than just turning a blind eye to line my pockets.
But I also know, it's my choice to read all the complaining. I can choose otherwise.
This is posting #219341. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Survey: Tired of people complaining by uglyoldlineman
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Survey: Tired of people complaining bushmaster 6/1/2008 1:27:00 AM
Re: Survey: Tired of people complaining oceansview 6/1/2008 12:58:00 AM
Re: Survey: Tired of people complaining 1brikshyvtwin 5/31/2008 5:44:00 PM
Re: Survey: Tired of people complaining oldlinedawg 5/31/2008 2:27:00 PM
Re: Survey: Tired of people complaining uglyoldlineman 5/31/2008 1:17:00 PM