I just called a guy that posted an ad on Craigslist in Nashville. He was looking for satellite installers, so I figured, what the hell. I'll give him a call to see what he's offering.
I explained to him that I have 8 years of experience, and that I am mainly a commercial tech. He seemed impressed with my credentials, and said that he would even be able to pay me a little more because of my experience.
So here I am thinking that he'd pay me something like 90/30, when he dropped the bomb. He said that they could pay me 55/15, and I'd have to buy my own supplies and gas.
I didn't let him go any further. I just said, "You are the reason that no one can make a living in this field anymore." He asked me what I meant. I said that is the lowest pay rate I have ever heard, and he would not find any qualified technicians to work for him around here. Even the worst companies in Nashville (read Bruister) pay better than that.
Horrible Job Offer
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