Re: Prince making in house installers pay for gas?
I'm right behind you man.......got a buddy who has a sister who works for at&t/bellsouth for 20 years plus, and her husband works there.......I talked to them for 5 minutes and they just laughed and said you just need to get your foot in the door.... I have been contracting since March 1, 98.........sat and cable I was there when the modems came out, 90 volts from the tap, wireless, digital box with a phone line, wireless, voip, ka/ku's first generation to the slim line, etc. etc. etc..................it's the only industry that I know of that the prices always decrease, you never hear how good a job you did but always when you supposedly screwed up which usually is the equipment they provided you with to install (my biggest complaint with Directv.. lnb's, switches, refurb recievers, etc.)...........ok sorry fellas, I didn't mean for my rant go on that long, but the moral of the story, you can retire from at&t..............not from any of those contract companies we have all busted our a$$es for all these years...........wish I could have a small percentage from every monthly payment from every install/upgrade I have completed over the last 10 years for these companies, I think that is what is called residual income...........it's just keeps coming in, every time they pay you get your cut..........oh well, hopefully one day the kids will appreciate it, we bust our a$$ for them, you always want your kids to have it better than you did..........and from where I come from, yes I can say I have made some good money, but like I've said a million times they are the pimps and we are the hoes, for me I'm tired of walking that strip......they've pushed me too far, ya'll can have it

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Posted in reply to: Re: Prince making in house installers pay for gas? by Gemini39
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