I have had the unpleasant experience of reading what appears to be thoughts put in writting by you in this forum. You should know that there are many people in this industry (most are celebrated success stories) that know and admire J.Davis. I would also say that by your actions of late, you haven't the mere ability to stand in his shadow. However, you have found (somewhere in your simple, cromagnon sized brain) enough hutzpa to slander him and others associated with him. If you are lucky, these people will decide not to pursue you for those offenses. I find myself offering you some advise here, although I'm not sure why - you definately don't deserve any. But if I were you, I would begin the search for that one employer out there who is a little more literate than you {which isn't saying much} and who is ignorant enough to give you a job and then I would support that family of yours instead of putting their financial future at risk by committing countless offenses in public. If, after reading this, you still don't understand the message being relayed to you here - I'll put it in layman's terms: YOU HAVE TO BE THE SINGLE BIGGEST IDIOT ON THIS WEBSITE AND NO ONE WANTS TO HEAR YOUR "I'M A VICTIM" SOB STORY. Get over it Mr. Jayhook11, you couldn't cut it there and they trimmed the fat - move on.
Glad I don't know you, don't work with you, and won't:
Mr. Jayhook11; A lesson in Character
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