jim davis and the beaumont construction divition is trying to kill the career of a man that did nothing but good for this company
he trained the people that they would hire off the street with no cable experience at all.trained for over a year.he build the nederland ,port author ,orange
systems.this man is a contractor,so you know that his name is his next job.he's worked cable for over 13 years.but tried to settle down to raise his 2 kids.
this man was accused of stealing cable service,but the tech that cought him had to document that there was NO ILLEGAL HOOKUPS matter of fact there was nothing touched
in the underground ped.now being the cable dog he is his first thought was to find JIM DAVIS and kick the shit out of him,but from his wife and friends convinced him thats not the way to do it
so he's getting a good lawyer to fight this.this mans name is james singletary maybe some of yall know him.if u do then u know he's honest and doen't do illegals he works for the money he makes in this bizz.
the people at the beaumont office wouldn't even stand with james even after he trained so many and did anything that they wanted no matter how wrong or stupid it was
if you have any info. on misterJIM DAVIS please let him know thank you for listening
JIM DAVIS is trying to ruin a career.WHY ????????
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