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Re: I can't sleep

You have a lot of nerve complaining about Clinton after 7 years of Bush, and his war mongering associates who have carpet bagged this country into submission. Gave every last dime to the rich and the energy companies, who have enjoyed their biggest profits ever while you pay unprecedented gas prices. Let Corporations have their way sending all the jobs overseas. Brought an economic surplus to a hopeless deficet, sold the country to the Chinese and ends up his term heading into an economic depression.

Removed Habeus Corpus and Possee Camatatus, wire tapped your phone, and murdered close to 4,000 Americans and countless innocent Iraqies. Treated the environment like a joke, opposed stem cell reseach, destroyed the city of New Orleans, ruined America's Image to the world with torture and punk diplomacy.

Yea I see why you can't sleep at night.

Having said that, I would not vote for Hillary, McCain, Huckabee or Romney. Hillary is nothing more than Bush Lite, Huckabee wants to change the Constitution to match Gods Law, McCain will keep us in Iraq for the next 100 years and God help us if he picks Lieberman and wins. Romney is just full of it and looks too much like Jefferson Darcy on Married with Children to take seriously.

Nothing will improve until we get rid of the lobbyists and the corporate control that dictates policy rather than the people. In other words America has become a fascist state.

The only, only chance now to make a real change is Obama. Want your country back. Vote Obama.

I had a dream. I woke up and more than a few companies controlled our media, we all had effective universal health care and people like Hannity and O'Reiley and Limbaugh and Rupbert Murdock were stuck in stockades and I was kicking them in the balls. What a good nights sleep.

This is posting #210149. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: I can't sleep by bluedeogee
There are 7 replies to this message
Re: I can't sleep vegassatellite 2/3/2008 12:24:00 AM
Re: I can't sleep johned 2/2/2008 12:48:00 PM
Re: I can't sleep Gwester843 2/2/2008 11:41:00 AM
No to Obama Wife of a cable guy 2/2/2008 10:57:00 AM
Re: I can't sleep bluedeogee 2/2/2008 8:21:00 AM
Re: I can't sleep theloner1950 2/2/2008 7:51:00 AM
Re: I can't sleep Toast 2/2/2008 7:42:00 AM