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Re: Comcast Contractor Killed While Trying to Retr

Hey Sturgis,

First not to get off topic, once again a families provider is dead and no matter how, what, why lets not forget. Now, like I stated before, I truly believe there will be no fine levied by OSHA on this matter. Unless people have been injured or killed, and for that matter if the company reported these like they are supposed to, than OSHA will not even bat on eye and quickly close their investigation. They are underfunded, and understaffed and will hurry on to the next case.

Also, they will ask to see the safety minute meetings, and all who attended and subjects covered. IF this person happened to sign off on something that even remotely covered this scenario, than the company will be able to say "see they knew better".

I do agree that blame should not be dished out here. Someone said the driver should be fired. We don't know if it was his fault, and as someone else stated, he is more than likely suffering a hell far worse than any type of discipline will.

This is a good time to point out, if something happens to us, a death or crippling, severe injury, how will the love ones who depend on us be taken care of. It is easy to think that it will never happen to us, and if it does, the company will help out. Those are chances we should not be willing to take.

Once again this man is dead and there are friends and family that are grieving. Keep them in your thoughts.
This is posting #207999. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Comcast Contractor Killed While Trying to Retr by SturgisBiker
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Re: Comcast Contractor Killed While Trying to Retr oldlinedawg 1/12/2008 7:43:00 PM