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Re: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas

See, what you said is EXACTLY what's wrong with this country. There is NO bipartisanship anywhere. Half witted Democrats. Equally half witted Republicans. Neither has the common sense to get off their soapbox and take a look around and see how the error of their ways affects the little guys (yes Bozo, that's us).

Neither also has the common sense to realize we are here to get along and make things better. Instead, they polarize more than at any time in the history of our country. I live in a small town where some sub-moronic baboon ran on a platform that goes like this.....

- All Democrats are Liberals.
- All Liberals are Democrats.
- All Democrats and Liberals are evil.

Now someone like you and many others will probably take pleasure in those statements and say they're true. Whether or not they are is completely irrelevant and means ABSOLUTELY ZERO TO YOU OR ME OR ANYONE ELSE. It's nothing but BS and a smoke screen to blame the other instead of acting on what is important by taking the bull by the horns.

Frankly, I don't give a **** about their views. Their views are supposed to be reflective of MY views and they are charged to protect and serve MY interests, not their own. Both parties have completely lost sight of what our forefathers sought from the system them implemented 220 years ago. Instead, they serve their interests.....uh contributors.

So get with the program dude and stop making fun of Democrats and/or Republicans. This is complete BS and idiots who keep writing crap like you just did do nothing but further compel our equally itiotic politicians to continue politicking and not ACTING on our behalf.

Personally, I don't care if you respond or not to my post. I hope other people have the common sense and realistic decency to understand what I'm saying is the absolute truth. YOU and EVERYONE else have to FORCE our views onto the politicians. Right now, YOU are living to serve them. It's supposed to be the other way around or did you forget that? Isn't that WHY they're called PUBLIC SERVANTS????

HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL. I hope everyone really thinks this through and stops short of making stupid comments. We really need to work together and make bipartisanship a reality.....for OUR sake.
This is posting #205965. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas by DRTdawg
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas Dishdocs 12/20/2007 11:33:00 AM
Re: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas 1FARMER 12/20/2007 11:21:00 AM
Re: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas SturgisBiker 12/20/2007 4:55:00 AM