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Re: Check Duncan Out

It is just so sad that in a country this great this is the best we can come up with. To be honest it saddens me to say I dont see anyone out there worth supporting right now. We really need a strong 3rd party, something like a moderate party. Who would represent the 70-80% of us in this country who are in the center, instead of pandering to the far extremes of the 2 parties.

None of the current politicians will just answer a straight ?, none of them have any ideas to really move the country forward to where we need to be to prosper in the future. I just hope for a divided government so hopefully they cant do any more damage than they are already doing.

The really bad thing is we have ALOT of really serious and possibly devastating problems that must be addressed within the next 4 years if not sooner. Todays politicians are to busy worrying about the next election to do what is best for the country. If we would just pass term limits then maybe the people elected would actually go to Wash and try to get things done and do right by ALL the citizens. Then maybe we would have a government that worked.

I think our worst nightmare would be if the Dems win the WH, more Senate (enough to overide a filabuster) and more House seats. I think if they could pass all they pledge to pass the country might never recover.

Hopefully some other person will emerge to run for the office.
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