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Re: does this surprise anyone?

It is a double edged sword. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't. How can we make available, the information to become a legal citizen so that people will start using it before they enter the country?

How did you enter Japan? Did you have to fill out paperwork and pay fee's prior to entering the country? If so, where did you obtain the information? How easy was it to understand and file? How much did it cost?

Is there a system in place in other countries that is similar to what Americans use when they move legally to another country? Did you enter on a work visa, then later, get permanent residency?

I am interested in these topics. I think we could do a lot with the answers. This is something that we could get behind. Wife can send letters and petitions to our government that contain a plan for people to use these tools prior to entering the country.

We should definitely close our boarders and spend more money policing the areas where people cross into the country.

We should have a data base that is accessible to employers which contains a list of people who are here legally. If an employer does not find the person on the list, they should not hire them. If an employer hires someone who is here illegally, they should go to jail and pay tons of fines.

I agree whole heartedly that people should come here legally, I just happen to be able to see things from both sides having lived in neighborhoods with many illegals and minorities.

It is sad that they are so afraid of the government that they will not even call the police when a crime is committed in the neighborhood.

That allows gangs and drugs to take over compromising everyones safety and costing our government tons of money.

I watched a show on that gang MS 13 last night. The show discussed the large presence of the gang in Virginia, DC, and even middle America.

I find it really strange that they flourish right in the very city our president is in. No one can tell me that we are doing anything the right way regarding this subject. We need to rethink the way we handle illegals because something is really wrong with the way it is done right now.
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Posted in reply to: Re: does this surprise anyone? by jmiller
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Re: does this surprise anyone? voices 11/9/2007 12:16:00 PM