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Re: does this surprise anyone?

I can ALMOST agree with you except this: before they had the stuff in Spanish, Hispanics still managed to bank. They STILL managed to shop. They STILL managed to know enough about the way our social services worked to apply for and get relief. I would put more creedence into your world travel statement if we had options in French, Japanese, Korean, Arabic....etc. That's simpy not the case.

On the other hand, the town where I live has gone from 10% to 50% school enrollment of Hispanic origin. You can not really track the actual number of undocumented aliens but you can bet your ass they know how to enroll their kids in our schools so there is some corollary extrapolation indicating a HUGE influx of Hispanic adults to the region. This is in less than 10 years!

I know I now run the risk of being called racist and intolerant but I don't care. When you can out minority ME, then you can tell me how bad YOUR group has it. I'm not buying any of that crap.

This generation is the FIRST that will not do as well as their parents! Don't you guys think this erosion of our borders and splintering of the national psyche has SOMETHING to do with that?

Who has a job now for 20 years? Who retires with a pension? You see more and more of the American citizenry marginalized by the influx of undocumented labor. It's cheap, sure..... but is it really? Is the destruction of the national fabric of America cheap? What is that worth?

Is an extra nickel dividend on a stock worth lowering our AMERICAN standard of living to those of third world dwellers who bring their ways to our shores with NO intention of adopting OUR ways? I mean for GOD SAKE, I can't tell you how many Circle K bathrooms I've used where the damn waste basket is FULL of soiled toilet paper because the people who used that john before me aren't used to having running water, so they just wipe and throw it in the waste basket!


A previous poster said that I should FIGHT the spread of the illegals by writing into my congressional rep or something to that effect, and yes my voice would indeed be small; rather I choose to fight every day on a personal level by NOT EMPLOYING illegals; I DON'T roll over when someone says, "Hey, you're being intolerant!". I am prepared to battle facts against their namby pamby "everybody should be included" tripe. Yeah. Everybody who PLAYS BY THE RULES should absolutely be included.

I express my thoughts on this PUBLIC board for ALL the world to see because I'm NOT willing to give away what I fought for and cherish so dearly; my AMERICAN citizenship, my English language, and my pride in what our country should BE, A MELTING POT and NOT a stock pot full of rocks.

That makes for gritty stew and the flavors never mix.
This is posting #202175. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: does this surprise anyone? by Splicer Life 4me
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: does this surprise anyone? tazapfl 12/8/2007 10:31:00 AM
Re: does this surprise anyone? oldschoolgal 11/7/2007 11:56:00 AM
Re: does this surprise anyone? Citizen at Large 11/6/2007 8:56:00 PM
Re: does this surprise anyone? k977 11/6/2007 7:57:00 PM
Re: does this surprise anyone? voices 11/6/2007 7:34:00 PM