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Global Cable

Looks like someone is changing their name, no!!!!!!!!!! just forming another
company. Sorry Global Cable Services, Inc. You can change your spots
but you can’t change your personality nor your motive. Why would you let someone build you a web page who can’t make payroll 2 weeks without bouncing checks. Let’s see, I think I will call the new internet company and let them build me a web page; a few weeks go by and you lose one your of contracts. Well, you don’t think too much about it, maybe they just wanted some new blood. Maybe you should think about it!!!!! Why a person would let a company that can’t manage its own assets have free access to your client data base and inside knowledge of your pricing and operations is really beyond me. They need to factor another inv. to make payroll. How they get that invoice makes no difference!!!!!!!!
This is posting #20179. Tiny Link:
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Re:Global Cable HOSS 7/21/2000 8:40:00 AM