Re: Sick and tired of :
Member #: 695
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Just to let you know its called liable , thats written slander . I'm just curious, if those comments about hacks , thieves and liars are posted under this forum with its set guidlines , how could you be held responsible. Can we post here without it being removed if you are previously absolved from being involved in the post. We have got too many people causing to much rapture in this industry and we need a place to identify these characters so we don't get burned. This also applys to the Mother Companys that try to blackball certain people because someone in managment gets a woody for someone. We need to blackball some systems and their managers, maybe when corporate realises whats going on , because no one will go there to work and they can't get things upgraded or etc. and it finally reaches the stockholders it might gain some attention. Sensorship , don't tug on supermans cape , don't spit in the wind . I've never lived that way and won't start now. "WHITFIELD"
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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