1. To balance the potential between all devices
2. To provide a pathway to ground (Grounding and Bonding are two different processes using the same equipment).
3. To act as a protection circuit.
1. If the cable to the house has a different voltage to ground than does the phone then you have created a possible voltage generator, now you have a circuit. If you bond them together they are equal and therefore LESS dangerous.
2. If power where to fall hot onto another line no matter where it hit more of the current should be directed to ground until the circuit burns open. GROUNDING. To dissipate excessive voltage in smaller amounts throughout the plant. BONDING
3. In lighting strikes voltage can travel into the consumers devices even on the skin of the jacket, the ground block is the last point of effort to protect the customer from the providers influence.
.... There is no absolute protection from the ravages of the environment we work in some efforts work better than others. No effort is completely wrong. A lack of effort is always wrong! Whether it is bonded to a "bugnut" a "K-1 K-2 or K-3 ( and by the way guys bugnuts are approved conductors if the metals are similar) make sure you bond to the plant and the plant is grounded.