why is it so boreing for the truth to be told about co.s such as the one you work for ? you keep driving the prices that are paid down. so as to expliot the installers that work for the small retailer / install co.s. that pay thier techs a good to decent percentage of the rate they recieve. so we all can make a moderate living from our labor. i can remeber a time when the installer recieved 150.00dollars for a one box install and things was real good. till co.s such as the one that you work for came along. then the prices started to drop because of the low ball bidding. that those co.s bid as to cut out the little man and starve out the installers that worked for them. so that they had no chioce but to come on board with co.s such as the hsp,s and others that were low balling the bids. to become big and rich off of the labors and sweat of the installer in the field. instead of having the ethics and charector to go out and work thier own piece of the pie. by thier own labor and hard work with the same long hard hot hours that everyone else did. so if that is boreing i would hate to see what you would call nice and good. maybe that we pay you for the work that we do for your co. maybe that we do that with our welfare check because we cant afford to work no more.
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