There was this poor Mama who had three boys. They were so poor that all they had to eat was Beans. One day, the mama was making beans for dinner when one of her boys accidently poured BB’s into the pot of beans. Not knowing what to do, she told the boys that they would just have to eat the beans anyway, for they were poor and had nothing else to eat. So, they had dinner and afterwards the mama sent the boys out to play while she did the dishes. After a little while, the youngest boy comes running in yelling, 'Mama,Mama, I had to pee and a BB come out.' Mama say's to the boy 'It's OK, it's good to get it out of you system, now go play.' She continued with her cleaning. After a little while, the middle boy comes running in yelling, 'Mama,Mama, I had to pee and a BB come out.' Mama say's to the boy 'It's OK, it's good to get it out of you system, now go play.' She continued with her cleaning. After a little while, the oldest boy comes running in yelling, 'Mama,Mama,' She stopped him and said 'Let me guess, you had to pee and a BB come out.' The oldest boy shook his head and said 'No, I was jacking off and I shot the Dog.'