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Re: "Amnesty"

if we were in there shoes what would we do?

I think we Americans would stay in our own country and try to make it a better place to live and work. Not leave it for another country and abandon it. If these immigrants are so proud of their heritage why don't they try to fix the problems in their homeland.

Now if u came here legally whether it was 1yr ago or 60yrs ago then u made a choice to make this your home and contribute to make this a better country. If your here illegally then you are not contributing to this country and u are not willing to make a sacrifices to better your own country. I don't care if your Asian, Russian, mexican or arab its all the same and its getting worse and worse.

I am tired of my taxes paying for your childrens education and medical , etc. when u pay hardly nothing. If your wages don't get taxed and reported then u are not helping.

As far as native indians, i am sorry for how the government treated u and went back on the treaties. Maybe if natives would of stuck together instead of always fighting against rival tribes it would of been different.

African Americans, i am sorry that your ancestors were slaves and that u get treated badly. But do u think that white people went into the Africa and captured the slaves themselves. No it was Africans from rival tribes capturing Africans and selling them to the slave traders. Illegal immigrants from Africa how about stop the killing of millions of people in the region and put some effort into making your land worth while. Your continent is probably the most intriguing with but the constant killing, raping is not helping your economies or way of life.

Chinese people, I am sorry that your country is communist. I recall the people of this country didn't like our rulers either and we did something about it. Its called a revolution and a civil war.

Arabs i am not sorry for u at all. Your whole region is messed up and just needs to be blown back to the stone age.

Dont worry there are plenty of white trash that i cant stand but unfornutely they are here legally.

So i guess what i am saying is that if u don't like your current economic or government status but luv your country, why don't u try to stick around and make a change. You will never see millions of Americans leaving this country. We would rather have a revolution or civil war to make our changes.
This is posting #191983. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: "Amnesty" by John.G
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: "Amnesty" sumahit 6/8/2007 2:41:00 AM