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In God WE Trust

Good Evening all , after reading all the comments on the immigration issue and having two of my post removed , I guess for name calling . I’m back now with my opinions . Thanks Mr. Moderator for removing my post . I hope this one makes national news and causes the site to temporally crash from too many hits , like it did in the Days before Wet Cement was Closed Forever . What happened to Wet Cement . I recall a time when 15 pages were written in an hour and a half . I’ve written here for many years . What happened in the days of wet cement? A computer hiding …. Started attacking me and I lost it on him , Duck wont quit . What I write is seldom boring, its like if Stephen Speilberge produced boring movies would you watch them , I think not . Now back to the issues waying heavily on my mind . Amnesty for some tweleve million illegals is ludracrist and will someday be our downfall . How did they get here , they just waltzed right in , Now the USG expects us to welcome them with open arms . I understand the ones on Capitol Hill who are for it and what they hope it will do for the country , Social Security will some day fall , the revenue taken in by taxes and SS will only fuel the failing Government machine , allowing it to continue. We now fund a war on borrowed money , Who will have to pay it back ? Us and probably our grandchildren through taxes . In watching all the hopefuls for President , I see a bunch of actors , acting like fools sometimes . It’s a shame . I feel the same for all government , its pitiful . Can they not see the long term effects, I think they can , That’s why I call them actors , purpetrating lies. They try to create a uforic world for us to live in . If all these illegals stay here ,who will take care of them when their hurt , sick , or too old to work . Our tax dollars! Yours , mine ,everybodys . What do theses illegals bring with them . Funny thing when you go abroad to a foreign country you have to have a passport and be inoculated aginst diseases found there that don’t exist here . I don’t know of any country other than this one that just allows people to sneak across its borders with no consequences . The USA has perpratrated so many lies against the American Public its incognisis . They have created a smoke screen as to the real truth to cover up real truths . In watching Presidentals hopefuls on TV it looks like a freeforall to Me . I do appreciate Hillery Clinton calling this War , George Bushes war . She is certainly in the position to know whats going on. It wasn’t because of 911 we attacked Saddam , it was because Saddam tried to kill Bushes Father and Mr.Bush wanted vengeance , He just used the gassing of curds and a threat of biological and chemical wepons to start this war . I believe this war to be the Great War written in the Book of Revelation in the Bible , this chapter is mind boggling too read , and even more diffucult to understand . I’m not a Bible thumper , but I do believe in God . I believe there to be many missing books to the Bible and many many unexplained things in the Universe . I’ll be 50 soon , I’ve walked in many mens shoes so to speak , I started working on the farm 50 hrs. a week at 9yrs old . I have endured many setbacks from Carma as I wasn’t willing to see the wrongs in some of the things I have done .Duck has learned not to take pennies off a dead mans eyes , not to spit in the wind , and to treat others as I myself would like to be treated. If you read the Book of revelation you will hear of the anti Christ , I believe Osomma Bin Ladin to be the ainti Christ . That’s why so many are joining his cause . His power comes from those that believe George Bush to be the Anti Christ and us in this country to be Satins Children . Our presence in their country and other countries only fuels the fire. I know how this world will end , even the year . I know the secrets to the Universe . When It was bestoed apon me I wondered was I losing my mind , that’s why its in the form of a book , for everyone to read and interpet for themselves . We all as individuals believe what we believe . The End is coming and the writing is on the wall. People just won’t believe it . For thousands of years it has been said the world is coming to and end , thats why no body can believe it . I think the Government of this Great Nation is a run away train , bound for Disaster , but that is only my opinion. I think control of certain things should be voted on by the American People in a more democratic process , rather than things left in the hands of the good ole boys in Washington . Its time for a Govermental Overhaul , because in my opinion , what we have now just ain’t getting it . We have lost a lot of respect through out the World and I personally Blame George Bush . When you ignore the cries of those surrounding you and you continue to blunder forward , I think its overhaul time . Too much power in one mans hands , has gone to his head , and he’s using his powerful position to be a dictator .Somehow I don’t think the founding fathers of this Great Country planned it that way ,when they drafted the Constitution . George Bush please don’t get mad at me over things I have written , I’m just outside looking in , not inside looking out . I’m trying to change the Cable industry , you see I’m different , I’m not greedy , I care about my fellow man and their familys . I’m a master craftsman , who takes pride in his work . We once ran this industry before the bean counters changed things. The only way to change this industry is to unite as one , for a common cause , us our familys and our friends . I’m not going to edit or spell check this one Ducks been bed sick all day. Made me appreciate living more and maintaining my health . I’m just an Ole Dog that remembers the good old days and wants them back . Thanks for Reading Jerry Whitfield
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Re: In God WE Trust boltpack.missing 6/8/2007 7:45:00 AM
Re: In God WE Trust mexican man 6/7/2007 11:38:00 PM
Re: In God WE Trust 1brikshyvtwin 6/7/2007 10:51:00 PM