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Re: "Amnesty"

well I am tired of all the P.C. grow a pair and wake up and smell the beans. If you truly think that all the illegals work in this country are a blessing then you need to open your eyes and grow a pair 1st off they come here by the thousand and work together to push us out. what I mean is they don't both to try to adjust to our way of life Like no speaka de english, they don't pay ssi, income tax they do work together and take work from people who do pay those taxes and cant lower there price because the are us citizens and do there part to make this country great. plus they have kids and they become us citizens because there parent jumped the boarder and had their off spring here. so they get some more of that tax money that you and I all have to pay. oh and then there all the beaters that they pile into that creates congestion on the highways more tax dollars to widen expand and improve . and then the people who they dirctly affect like me I was out ridding stopped in traffic on the highway and was plowed into from behind by one of the very people you say are helping this country (no license, no insurance, no visa to permit the to be here. of and the car they drove the did not own, the states that they stole the keys and took it without permission. there are 4 family's with children living in a two bedroom apartment across the hall from me now. I do not hate immigrants just illegals that steal from this country. I could not work for a year or stand up for that matter after that accident and 4 years latter I am just now getting to where I climb pole again if something is not done they will keep invading and the stupid greedy bastards that make all the money off cheap labor will realize to late that they have become the majority in this nation and will vote there way of life in over the way it has been . and to the PETSQUEAK you lost this land fair and square thats been settled for many years. more people need to find there backbone before this country is divided so far that we end up in a fight. AND IF YOU DON'T LIKE THAT THOUGH THIS IS AMERICA AND I STILL HAVE A RIGHT TO FREE SPEACH FOR NOW

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