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Run The Numbers

Run The Numbers
According to the CIA World Factbook:

the World Population as of July 2006 is est. at 6,525,170,264

20.12% of that are believers in the Islam faith so that is 1,312,864,157

6,525,170,264 / 20.12% = 1,312,864,157

10% of believers of the Islam faith are believed to be fanatical (terrorists)

So how many fanatical, crazy Muslims are out there?

Do The Math

1,312,864,157 x 10% = 131,286,416

Ok, I understand the news is construed sometimes...... let's say just ONE PERCENT of all Muslims are fanatics.

1,312,864,157 x 1% = 13,128,642

That would mean there are over THIRTEEN MILLION fanatical, crazy Muslims trying to kill everyone that is not fanatical Muslim (esp. Jews, Christians, and US Citizens)

13,128,642 x 158 = 2,074,325,436
OR 1/3rd of the population of the entire world.

Let’s just say only a 1/4 of them got together and decided to go after a certain target?

13,128,642 x 25% = 3,282,161

That’s an army of 3.3 million fanatical Muslims willing to kill themselves in order to just take out the infidel.

If only 19 of them can kill 3,000 people in one attack......that’s 158 innocent people killed per terrorist.

Lets say they were just ½ as successful as the terrorists on 9/11.

158 divided by 2 = 79

3,282,161 x 79 = 259,290,719

260 million infidels (you and me) killed.

According once again to the CIA World Factbook there are 298,444,215 people in the United States as of July 2006.

So basically that would equal to killing 98.85% of the entire population of the United States leaving a population of 39,153,496.

In perspective, about that of the state of California (36,132,147 US Census 2005) would survive.

Now then, tell me again why we are not profiling at airports?
Of course that's just my opinion.... I could be wrong
This is posting #191260. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Run The Numbers deleted 5/30/2007 8:43:00 AM
Re: Run The Numbers tmathis 5/29/2007 4:31:00 PM
Re: Run The Numbers cabledog 5/29/2007 2:42:00 PM