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Re: Alaska the Last Frontier ??Thanks

Thanks for all the replys about Alaska . I'll let you all know whats going on there soon and then I'll ask about specific towns . I especially appreciate the reply from The Dream Catcher , who is in Alaska . Thanks for being here . Its pretty wild knowing this web site touches from California , to Alaska , To Coastal NC ,to the The Keys in Florida and to the Land Down Under , Australia , If you ask me its one incredible way to stay in touch with people. Makes you feel like your part of a brotherhood, Cable Dog Dawgs , telephone people , power guys the site just keeps growing and growing . I truly can't hardly wait for storm season this year , 3 good landfalling hurricanes could drastlicly change prices in this industry . Look around you ,there is work springing up every where. Once again their is a shortage of manpower in our industry . Let the storms come let the prices go back up , I seem to recall a sub price of $1 a ft for just strand and cable and .50 a ft .to splice it in Miami , common splicing prices in the .40's were almost every where . Life was good and then the buyouts came and prices fell , but guess what , It looks like the cycle is changing again . Its About time . I'll be back this evening with a story for everyone . If your out busting your hump I hope your making Big $$$$$$$$$ Thanks for reading
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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