Handle says it all. High-de-high high-de-ho goin' to get me a piece of the sky going to get some of that ol'.....? Singing hi-de-hi-de-hi-de-hi-de.....ho. Drunk how about couldn't sleep for chit then hear the chit on those liberal broadcast stations? Push away from the table brother man and put the pipe down. Seems I hadn't/didn't accuse you of anything except maybe I should have having your nose so far up....? Look just think anal retentive you'll be all right, doctor said just agree with him for a couple of months and he'll be o.k.
Who's to say I don't post at times to just get a reaction. I'd explain but then I'd reveal what I know besides it might be over to many heads.
The point I was trying to convey about Mr. Tillman and the lies about his demise the bs oh from the leftist broadcast cable stations and thos pesky msm newspapers. Let's do a tally right now of the main proponents of the afore mentioned of course excluding "flair and phallused". Actually get up on a Sunday morning and you've about covered half of the bull$hit before you've taken that morning crap, oh is that what I meant? Just to name a few russert matthews williams scarborough blizter tucker dobbs oh don't forget beck only to mention that this is only covering cnn and nbc wowie zowie truely leftist. Let's do print, 3 of my favorite freidman sullivan(even tho he's flipped(tee hee) now that MA. has same sex unions and my favorite william kristol spawn of the neo-con, drudge the weiner shmerc-off gut-less(red dick-eyed) see what happens when you drink the further down the line the lest you can spell and reason. But you'd have to be totally stupid not to know everyone I'd just mentioned, haven't been the most heard, of the "LEFTIST MEDIA." Wow where in the hell have I been, now I've finally realized what the other half has been talking about. Sarcasm implied you dambded right.
Funny last night watching o'lielly he blew a gasket on Jane Hall, of Jane and Bernie, I gangrene it, it will be on the airwaves today. It was great entertainment. My kids ask me why I watch these people, my response you need to know what your enemies are doing at all times, also.
Double indemnity enigma , point being again and again if we the people, want to keep choosing sides being split by a bunch of poly-ticians that do not represent,we the people, that have a cake walk compared to the majority of this great country that are the economic backbone of this country(paying and paving the way for the asses fore mentioned) without checks and balances ha ha supposedly led by them, then you get everything you deserve, that's right everything you vote for as they tell you what there going to do then do a 180 on, we the people, once their in office.
Do you people actually think that these poly-ticians come up with these ideas rules and laws on their own. No the corps. pay the lobbyist to tell the aides consultants and lawyers what to write so as the men and women poly-ticians can read from a script.
Folks at the bar here might think I'm against government, not a t all, just fed up with what has morphed, into. There has to be a pecking order so to speak some kind of order rhyme or reason just ain't seen it in 6yrs. And with that in mind not against conservatives either. Just so happens this administration is not conservatives in the true sense. As conservatives label centrist democrats as leftwingers leftist da da da. The 2 party system is set up to divide you're already conquered(defeated) from the get go. We the people are the third party of reason, choose to think not then, you'll be ruled, just as you are today by a handfull of shining spinning bull durham.
Rearrange,We the People, For the People, By the People every which way you can and it will/should ring true and will still come out in the end People meaning for us.
Oh SSSSSSSS**** I must be drunk, yes I am with stupidity. Does it seam familiar "Fellow Americans"? Don't let the doors of the "Hall of Commons" hit you in the ass.
Re: all liberal news-reals excluding flair & phall
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