Thanks for sharing that , Billeriae Clintoon ,thats Hills Butch side . Hill said she wasn't worried . Bill said Americans are so stupid that he was able to give new meaning to give that woman a cigar .Willfully getting away with it . Hill said she was just happy to find out it was a white owl , she was worried Mr. B would use one of those Cuban Cigars , they were all supposed to be hers. The Cliontons give a New Meaning to White collar crime . The world according to the Clintoons and the Buesh's , The Bilnd leading the Confused in my book . The next 9-11 if they aren't the targest , they will be on their way to the safe spot escorted by fighter jets , where will we be . Knee deep in Chit .Goberment has already completed in their escape , one day people in America will wake up and see things ain't working . Put a man in office that busted his hump doing physical labor and then became a radical polotician and he might get this country back on course . When people are held accountable for their own actions then maybe justice for all will actually be true.