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Re: Can't Find A Job

You still dont get it do ya. You like spending $150 a week at the grocery store eh? You like having produce and canned goods there when your shopping? You got a plan that will find a way my friends and family on the farm can supply us with these items and still keep costs down? Think about it are you going to pick cabbage for min wage? You know what it would take to get crops picked? I can make 30+ an hour installing if I had to get out in the field. Tell me where these willing Americans are? Think about it Im not breaking my back in the fields for less than $25 an hour are you? We just jacked our produce costs up 400%. Hmm thats a tough one you want to pay $20 for that #1 combo? Ok they are taking some of your money in whatever field you work in. Lets say we get rid of them all. Next week your grocery bill just went up 3x atleast yeah at the minimum. Guess what happens next Ali Babba has to pay more for the darn groceries so he jacks your motel. Well lets see the guy that works at the gas station is starving now exxon will jack rates to compensate pay and cost of living. utilities have to give that same cost of living raise to their employees to cover the offsets. How about those truck drivers. We all know they are paying more to sit at micky Ds because of this whole cycle we started. Trucking = jacked on everything sold in America. So now our food is jacked our gas is jacked and our utilities are jacked. Keep going? Its not as simple as you think. Its a food chain literally. If you or myself was put in the same situation as these farmers or companies that keep losing money because noone wants to do that type of work, then yes I think we both would hire them. People seem to forget how things were just 15 years ago where a good job meant paying the bills, showing up on time, a decent retirement and enough money to save up for a vacation or camping trip once every few years. This business and Construction has more Rejects in it than any other out there. Where else can you commit a felony and get a job making $70+k a year(like it or not that is the company we keep in cable land). Or smoke your weed and keep it(we have made our bed and we are beginning to lie in it)? How about sleep in 1x or 2x a week and someone cover your but and still not get fired? Paid your taxes lately? They cant garner your wages if your 1099. Isnt that the benefits of this field? Never hear guys talking this ten years ago. Ever hear the oldtimers stories of how they made 2 k a week and worked half as hard? Where are they now? Back then you showed up for work with a hangover because you werent going to find another job with the company next door. For the most part we dont have those honest gold ole boys working. You have a job that allows an element of society that cant find a home elsewhere and its expected to pay a prime rate? Why do you think people that GM wouldnt blink at are given a job here? WOA !!!! You think its these practices and perhaps not the illegals that have caused the wages to stall here? The good ole boys got better jobs and look who walked in the door. Wonder why this field isnt full of model citizens? This business is not what it once was and the lives people live affect it tremendously. Most of the good ole boys are gone, the hacks showed up and THEY SPEAK ENGLISH. If you ask me anyone that can climb a ladder can do an install. There is no real art to it. The same guys that frames a house can install cable and for some reason just because a guy can call in and push a modem he deserves the moon. Over half the guys out there do everything they can to rschdl the tuff jobs , but expect to get paid golden wages.... Want the freedom to roam the green grassy knolls and do whatever felony urks you this week then be my guest but dont blame illegals immigrants for your woes! I have dropped turds in 3rd world countries that understand economics but they couldnt seem to solve this problem. If you got it figured out then by all means take it to the capital and you got my vote. Im sick having to thumb through hispanic channels! The BS with the ATM asking what language. Cmon this is anarchy lets do something about it!!!! They come here to steal our JOBS. STEAL EM I TELL YA. Farmer fred is dying to hire people that speak his natural second language. I think FRED enjoys taking jobs from the hardworking, obedient pure bred whole hearted Americans. Somebody is to blame!!!! How about the Mexicans?
Enjoy that $3 hamburger while you reply.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Can't Find A Job by K R ZACK
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Re: Can't Find A Job K R ZACK 4/11/2007 12:17:00 PM