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Re: are installers "dawgs"?

this response is to no one in particular, i just got in on the thread late as my computer bit the big one a few months back and changing primes always has a way of getting my priorities straight (financially anyways) the way i LOVE the new rig i built today, still got a lot of learning to do to get the most out of it, but it's just one more reason to be a contractor........neat things like computers become tax deductions that will allow me to buy new toys come refund season next year......anyway.....

i know i've stirred the pot one the subject of lineman and installers but recently i've decided this...........we ARE equals (i can hear the booms swinging for my head already) but we have different talents and interests. i've finally fallen back in love with my job (i'm sure i'll be out of love come october, but i'll let that wait) i generally like my job, i like the challenge of meeting the crazy a$$ed demands of the subs as well as the challenge of getting the most out of my system with whatever they've been sold on commision. been getting good tips and i'm about 95% on enthusiastic post calls (the 5% negative doesn't bother me because i also enjoy the challenge of getting an a$$hole to shut his mouth and sign the paperwork) i guess what i'm really saying is that i don't care if you think i'm a newbie or a wizard when it comes to the industry. i learn all i can, i apply that knowledge to whatever i'm doing as the need arises, and i'm not stressing about bills and respect. i make $250 a day averaged out after expenses, i'm home most days before my wife (she works at a bank for god's sake) and the $1418 i dropped on this new machine is tax deductible, as well as a good chunk of all my bills, and a good part of my hobbies. i guess i just wanted to say who cares what you call me, i'm a dumb installer, i know nothing, but i make a little money, and i'll still find a way to piss some of you off tomorrow, learning every time you rant. have a good night.

glad to be back
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Posted in reply to: Re: are installers "dawgs"? by damuckrunner
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