well it may be old school mentallity. when i came into this industry that the rule was that NOTHING WAS DONE FOR FREE NOTHING. if there wasnt a code for it then you found a code that would cover it. then you have all these co. that started no it is all covered in one price. im not out in the feild daily to do installs for one price that covers it all. im out there to make a living not a existance. with a cap on my pay by someone that sits in an office because they dont think im worth that type of money. if that is a hack or a kid in the industry then i guess ill be a hack or kid but, you have your point of view and i have mine. when you can go into the field and turn a 60/15 install into 250.00 install with a little effort and knowledge of how they want it done. what to charge for the labor and time that it takes you to do it thier way then yes. they pay me for doing it thier way and not just a basic install if you think that is wrong and cant sleep. then you just might be the weaker link and need to say good bye.