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Dead Man Walking , The Raymond Larwence Story

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The Raymond Larewence Story

This Story takes about 10 yrs. ago, in Carteret County, in Morehead City North Carolina, I was working in Charleston South Carolina at the time for FCW, Tom Vaille and Butch Graves were the management. Anyway I had gone home to visit the wife and kids, I happened to run into Raymond Larwence we got into a discussion about Cable TV. Raymond is a fairly wealthy man for Carteret County. He owned a couple of laundry mats, alot rental property, he told me he was interested in investing into Cable TV through me. So he wants to see what I have going on. We go to the Beaufort Airport and get in his twin engine airplane, as he is also a pilot. We fly down toward Charleston ,we stop in at Myrtle Beach for lunch, when you have your own twin engine airplane the airports have free coutrsey cars that you can use at no expense to you, so we take the car and go to lunch, then we fly on down to Charelston so he can see my operation. During our flight Raymond tells me of the problems he is having with his wife and their pending diviorce and the custody of his 2yr old son. He wanted her dead , as he stated she was trying to take him to the cleaners money wise and she wants custody of his son. He knowing how I was once was figured I could get this done for him. I told him sure I'll be glad to handle it for you, the price tag is 10,000 dollars . At first he agreed to pay me with change from the Laundry mats, I'm cool with that it seemed realistic. Well about a month goes by, the next time I'm home he calls me one night all upset, saying he had about 100,000 in tools from a carpentry shop that had been reported stolen and insurance fraud had been commited on . He claimed the people had reported it stolen and they gave him the equipment as they were so far behind in the building rent as he owned the building. He was worried about where he had it stored and wanted me to hide it for him on some acreage I owned in a storage trailer on the property. So I helped him move it to my place and hid it for him. Well weeks are going by ,I really thought he was bullsh.iting about wanting his wife dead. We kept talking about it . Raymond was dating Stacy Bell at this time, she was the court recorder for district court and part of the Da's office, Well Raymond was bragging to me one time and told me how he had given his soon to be x wifes dad the kiss of death like the mob does if your gonna die. He also wanted me to burn down her daddys barn to scare them (gangster tactics) he keeps threatning his wife and her family. Dieanna Smith was his wifes maiden name, she kept calling the Da's office reporting these inncodents to Stacy , Raymonds girlfriend, not realizing it was falling on deaf ears. Stacy was telling no one about it. Weeks passed and Raymond seemed to be getting more serious. I went by his wifes house one night pulled off the road and shut my truck off and just cased the place out. He this little yap yap dog comes running out toward my truck barking, I cranked the truck and left. I met with Raymond the next day and Bit.ched him out about not telling me the dog was there. That day we discussed some things and he's telling me how bad he despised Dieanna and about how he use to have sex with her and he would put this vibrating dildo up inside her before he inserted his self. I began to believe he was a really sick bas.turd. Well a couple more days passed , my wife recieved a call from this friend of hers named Thelma Lilly from Mill Creek and she told my wife that Stacy had called her and in their conversation she told her I was getting ready to kill Raymonds wife. When my wife told me I realized I was being set up . I went to prision for 5mts and six days on a year in 1983 for less that seven grams of marijuana. I was at one time a weed dealer and I wouldn't make payoffs to the sherrifs Dept. So when they pissed me off I called The FBI down from Greenville North Carolina and gave them a bunch of information on the sherrifs dept. they came down to me in my home town and I took the FBI agent over to Radio Island in my big four wheel drive an pulled up on top of the tallest sand dune over there where I could see everything around me. I spoke with the agent and he told me they had already had the sherrifs dept. under investigation for two years then. I gave him my information. They left , I went on about my business. Some how the sherrifs dept. found out . I was the a non payoff making thorn in their side. So they busted one of my people and threatened him with 28 years if he didnt set me up. So he did.In 1983 they knew they couldn't get an undercover into me because I had my set dealers and I wouldn't take any new people. Anyway they worked me under a conspircy charge. After I was busted it took 9months to get me into court. Every day my mother and my pregnant wife begged me not to kill Frank Galiza the sheriff who had set me up. Thinking back now I'm glad I didn't. I had installed a police band scanner in one of my many vechicles and every time Frank Radioed in where he was going to be, I would jet to his location, just to ride by and drop that tinted window to cut him a stare (gangster tactics) well I finally went to court and went to prision. When I got back to what they call green clothes and had work realease, this man Jack Long who use to be Chief of police in Newport,and then a sherrif, and then a Morehead City cop came to see me at the junkyard where I worked, He says too me Whitfield I want you to help me take down the Thomas organazation(Sherrifs Dept.) as I know your the only man that other than myself has enough information to do so. I told him Jack I'm sorry I wont, they have already cut the nose off my face. I just wanted to get out and do right and raise my four month old son. I did my time and got out and changed my life. I once had a highway patrol that is still my friend to this day give me an arieal photograph of a mobsters house that he despised when he was a cop in Virgina, they couldn't make anything stick on the mobster. The mobster owned a whole waterfront pennisula, the patrolman told me his story and told me where I could put a boat overboard and where to dock it just like they had, he just wanted the man dead . I turned him down. Well let me get back to the Raymond Larewence story.
After realizing that I was being set up I decided it was hook line and sinker time. I contacted Raymond and pumped him up told him if he wanted it done I had changed my mind I wouldn't do it but I knew a hit man from New York that had killed his own father that would come down and take care of it for him , but he needed to show me the cash first. The next Day Raymond calls me up and says meet me in River Heights the sub division where he lives, he said I'm leaving my house now I'm in my corvett I'll stop when we meet on the road I'll show you the cash. I met him he had one stack of hundreds wrapped with a manilla, paper money band on the band it said 100x100 = 10,000 I said allright I'll call the man in New York and get him down here. I went home and called my friend Butch Madden he was the #3 FBI agent at the Bura in Raleigh. I knew Butch as I had completly refurbished his 23' Robalo. I had told him many things about my self and the Sherrifs Dept. during the time I was redoing his boat. We had became friends. I told him all of what was going on. Butch listens to all I had to say and then he tells me, Jerry I can't help you, we must be called in by the SBI or a local dept. I know you don't trust the local sherrifs dept. but my friend, now you have got yourself between a rock and a hard spot . If anything happens to his wife now you are an accessory before the fact and in calling me here our whole conversation has been recorded. I'm like oh my God what am I going to do now. Ok Butch I'll handle it. So I go to see Walter Smith who was Terry Clarks neighbor, who owned PKS Jewerly and pawn. I knew I could also trust Walter from dealings I had had with him in the past. I knew Walter was an x-cop from Jones county that had taken down 7 sherrifs,2 Da's and a Judge that were crooked. I told Walter what was going on. He called his good buddy Terry Peters head of the SBI in Wilmington N.C. and told him what was going on. They sent down agent Walt House to meet with me. Walt wanted some proof of what I was telling him ,so he installed this miniature reel to reel recorder on my back right below my belt line and I called Raymond and went to meet him at the laundry mat. I told him the man from New York wanted more money, Raymond went to bitching, he says I got this guy Keefer that will come down from Washington D.C. for 250.00 he will cut off all her fingers and poke her eyes out, I then told him I was just kidding the man is on his way down he will be here tommorrow. I then proced to as him some questions like do you mind if this man rapes her before he kills her. He answers I don't care what he does to her he can cut her head off for all I care. I then asked him a few more questions and left and went back to Walt and he played the tape, I can still remember the look on his face, he was astounded. He later told me the SBI used my tape as a training tape for the SBI. Walt goes back to meet with his superiors. He calls me back and says be ready tommorrow. The next day Walt meets me and says call Raymond, he again had me put him on tape he used this minature reel to reel, which is about the size of a pack of cigaretts,this time the reel to reel uses a different adaptor that is placed on the side of the telephone with a little suction cup it records everything. The sting was set up to go down it the City limits of Morehead City under Chief Bungardner as the SBI knew they could trust him. If they had set it up in the county the Sherrifs Dept. would have to of been notified and they knew that would have blown the whole operation as Raymond was connected with the dept., but in making it happen in the Morehead City limits they didn't have to let the Sherrifs Dept. know. The stage is set. Walt and I go to this Motel next the Morehead City post office and go into one of the rooms. In the room there is tweleve SBI agents on of which is the director of the Jackonsville office, we begin talking about what is getting ready to go down, I don't like the way the head man is acting toward me an he pissed me off, I looked at him right in front of his boys and told him to go f.uck his self you can shove this s.hit up your fu..cking ass. You should have seen the look on his face(RAGE) he says to me do you know how much money and man hrs we have invested here. I said I don't give a f.uck, when you loose that attitidude of your and treat me with respect then we can proceed. He apologised to me and we began to set the game plan. The man that I was bringing with me looked like a biker from hel.l(UNBELIEVEABLE) . They put the reel to reel on me as Raymond trusted me . I called Raymond and said lets meet, the man from New York is here. He said where, they (The SBI) had already preselected a spot I told Raymond where to go. It was down behind the CTC college on the loop road behind Potter oil company, in a heavily wooded area by an abandoned barn right by the sound. We set a meet time. Me and the Biker looking SBI agent rode together in my Blazer ,we got there first, Raymond pulls up in Stacys little car with her child with him and leaves the two year old in the car as he steps out to meet with me and the Biker. I introduce the two, Raymond wants to pat the biker down and check him for a wire, he does so, he's satisfied its the real enchalatta. The agent looks at him and and says I'm not going to put her body where it can be found, it might be a couple of weeks before its found if they ever find her, what can Jerry bring you to show she is dead so you will pay off. And where are you going to put the money so I can get paid. Raymond replies I'll put the money behind the passanger seat in my air plane and Jerry knows where that is. Bring me the big diamond off the bit.ches finger that I gave her. The agent replies ok ,but is the diamond all you want, How about her head , I'll bring you her head. Do you want her head? Raymond pauseses for a second and answers, no just bring me the diamond and the finger its on. The next few seconds were intense. I can still see Walts Thunderbird coming sideways at us, he locks um down jumps out with his black SBI suit on, and his glock pointed at us screaming freeze don't move SBI, at the same time agents pouring out of the woods from everywhere about 30 of them, they put Ramond on the ground and cuff him, cuff me and bend me over the hood and the biker agent pats me on the back and says good job Whitfield, They put Raymond in the transport vechicle and Stacys child in another vechile and carry them off ,as soon as their out of sight they remove the cuffs from me and then we stand around a talk for a minute.They give me their 1-800 number in case I ever need them. Stacy , Raymonds girl friend gets fired from the court as Dieanna then found out it was Stacy she was calling for help at the Da's office.I then carried the Morehead cops to my land and turned in all the hot equipment.
That evening I stopped by the Smiths house, Dieannas mom and dads and she is there . They are already aware that Raymond is in Jail as it was the top news story of the day back home. When I tell them I was the one that took him down the whole family broke down and cried and thanked me for saving her life. Raymond was convicted of Arranging the murder of his astrainged wife. He served three years, amazing what money and a good laywer can do for you. Two years ago we crossed paths at a convient store in Morehead City he had some choice words to say to me and told me he was going to kill me. Some people never learn. All I can say to Raymond is if you are my stalker, I will soon know. Just like I told the SBI if he blinks wrong he's dead I won't play with him this time. I am the Grim Reaper I don't have to hire anybody. I've never killed anybody,but I killed and skinned out a million animals right down to there lips.And to the sherrifs dept. I know enough about you guys to put you in jail for the rest of your lives, I'm willing to let by gones be by gones and never cause you any problems I'll take what I know to my grave. To my stalker you assisted in the dissolousion of my marriage as my wife use to read everything that was written you having known personal things that should not have been told. You fuc.ked me now I don't have the oppourtunity of rasing my four children. I'd rather have been delt a life sentence. I'm like a wounded bear and you drew first blood be thankful I've got four children or else I'd need plenty of body bags. I'll see you in court, I don't make threats only promises.This is the last story I will print here from my book although I'm full of stories I'll only print ones not going to be in my book. To those that want to say about paragraphs,puncuation or spelling, I am an author not the editor. I hope everybody has enjoyed reading. Now everybody reading knows more about me, I blame my dad for how I was before I started having children and realised how wrong some of the things I did in my life were . Hindsight is always 20/20. See Ya (usa)(usa)"WHITFIELD"(2gun)(sunny)(sunny)

I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Re: Dead Man Walking , The Raymond Larwence Story Letstrylogic 2/3/2007 5:26:00 PM