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College Part two

The following are the areas I am asking the college for Courses in.

Business Administration
Aerial Construction
Underground Construction
Head End Construction and Maintence
Fiber Optic Construction , Splicing
Cable Splicing , Sweep
Installs A to Z
Power Supplys , installation , maintence , and transponders
Mapping and Design , Auto Cad .
Tower Construction , Dish Installation and Positioning
Sat Installation
Hook Climbing
Bucket Trucks and Machinery
Safety Practices
If I have left anything out please add to the list my brothers and sisters , This is part of the way we remove Hacks from our Industry . Certification in all areas . Their will be schooling in all areas as well as contractor certification . The Contractor Certification will be as follows . You fly into town , stay at the motel or bed and breakfast of your choice , you demonstrate to the instructors your ability to preform the chosen field of your choice , you do so correctly , your certified . Why will the Mother Companys recognize the Certification . It will be the Best our industry has too offer . Why go to this School and Why did I select my home town . As too the School it will be accredited by the State , possible State and Federal Funding especially for Veterans . Why this Area , My home town , is one of the Most Beautiful places I've ever been , We're Historical , Ft. Macon , Beaufort Inlet , Blackbeard's boat the Queen Anne's Revenge is being Salvaged Here . We have awesome Scuba Diving , our Coast here is titled Grave Yard of The Atlantic , Hundreds of Ship Wrecks . Fishing and Boats out the Ying Yang , Offshore Power Boat Races are held here , Myrtle Beach is only 3 @1/2 hrs away . Beautiful Golf Courses Here . We are totally surrounded by Water , Ocean , Sounds and Rivers , The Gulf Stream is only 45miles off Shore , Loads of fishing Tourneys here , To name a Couple , The Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament , The Hardee's King Mackerel Tournament , Two of the Largest and Biggest Prize Monies in the US . I could go on and on , but the most special thing is our people here . We love children , we love people , not many folks ever visit here that don't want to Stay . Well Ducks got work to get At , Thanks for reading , Oh whats in this for the Duck , not a thing , don't want or expect anything for all my efforts . Just trying to show the world how we are here and Change Our Industry . Thanks All , I hope you have a Wonderful Day.
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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College Part Four deleted 2/2/2007 11:53:00 AM
Re: College Part two johned 1/31/2007 11:39:00 PM
Re: College Part two Wife of a cable guy 1/31/2007 2:32:00 PM