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Re: Earnings from $500 to $1000 weekly

Theres the problem kick off right there.

500 is good for a newbie to the business but then primes get the idea that if they can pay some kid 500 and he'll bust his arse why not roll that down to the other guys and blame it on the MSO.

And then of coarse you have the MSO who decides he wants to keep more money after seeing the prime get away with it, "what the hell, I'll just cut prices to the prime." The service calls that are accumulated, can be back charged to the prime as well. After all it's his fault for hiring some one with no experience right?

meanwhile the customer, who was promised everything for free, gets a shoddy install and a couple of scheduled visits which will more than likely result to time off work or some kind of inconvenience that will more than likely need to be compensated by the MSO. Which, wouldn't you know it, needs to make that money up some place. And where do you think that money would be made up? I wonder. If they raise the rate to the subscribers, customer turn goes up. HMMMMMMM, any one wanna help out with this one?
Kinda looks like a circle don't it?
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Posted in reply to: Re: Earnings from $500 to $1000 weekly by mt30ys
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Re: Earnings from $500 to $1000 weekly bushmaster 1/29/2007 11:15:00 PM