Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo
Well I must say, no one has stuck together and look we the hell we are now???? I hate this field of work my husband still is the dawg that can't let it go. I left it last year, I am so tired of no insurance, I have to work to pay the taxes, No benefits what-so-ever.. Don't say go in-house please.....Any contractor will say that til he does then he wished he didn't . It happened to my brother-in-law.. Now he is a lazy .ss and complains about the other guys, but haven't witnessed him working past 5pm either, or helping anyone else. The Company's making it so hard to live working in this field, they want competent people to do the work, and without any paper in hand they are going to get you for what they say they are gonna pay... The problem is the biggest of the cable company's COMCAST is screwing each contractor and sub, they have the worst customer service and they don't care why would they, they are buying up every system in the country. Everyone used to worry about AT&T we best be turning our attention to Comcast... I hate to say it, cause I am stuck with the old dawg, but things aren't going to get better, they continue to get worse with less pay each year, after 10 years myself, its enough; the old man has 18 years and he still see's it as his life which I respect, just can't understand when he gets **** on so much.. Good Luck to every cable guy and doll who keep it up I sure have the utmost respect for you all....

This is CABL.com posting #183984. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mV1E
Posted in reply to: Re: The letter will be posted Friday night then yo by sillyisntit
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