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Re: The Speech

Yes the Russians (Soviet Union) did nothing to us because we showed strength. Do you think that if we did not have a strong army or threaten to not us the bomb they would have left us alone?
If you do then you are one of the most naive people there is.

Why do the Muslims hate us (non-Muslims) because it is in the Koran. they are taught from childhood to hate the infidel.

I can't believe you liberals thinking that if we don't show strength people will just leave us alone.
You are the same type of people that thought that we should just leave Hitler alone. just let the Jews die.
Damn liberals, you will be the end of this country.
You are all so touchy. Get in touch with reality. There is evil in this world, and it has to be dealt with. Evil loves weakness.
You have to stand strong or be defeated.
If it was up to liberals they would disband all our army and weapons and hope we all could get along. Man what morons!!
This is posting #183076. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: The Speech by K R ZACK
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: The Speech cablegun 1/14/2007 9:26:00 PM
Re: The Speech slimhefty 1/14/2007 8:07:00 PM
Re: The Speech K R ZACK 1/14/2007 11:53:00 AM