Just curious, how did everyone make out this year? Were your gifts... That One Thing You've Been Dieing for. Or What The Hell Were They Thinking?
Personaly I can dip into both categories. I got three, yes (3) hand powered flashlights this year. What the hell am i going to do with one hand powered flashlight, let alone three. I know it's not about the gift, it's the thought that counts. And I appreciate those thoughts, but next time put those thoughts in word form on a card so it doesn't look like a blow off at the checkout counter purchase. I can see it now. I'm hunched over a ped and all some passer by see's is me jerking my "Flashlight" to see the tags. I can't wait to be called to the carpet over that one.
Either way guys I hope you all got want you wanted or at least somthing that brightened your day/ warmed your heart.