As I sit here Christmas eve I look back and start to think of all the things that have happened over the last two and a half years I know that you and L. have caused much hurt in mine and my kids lives but with the same breath ya’ll have brought me and my two youngest kids (M. and L.) closer together. As for H., at thirteen, I think, you paid her off long ago.
As I go back thru my text messages I find where L. has sent me not one, but six messages expressing her regret over the last two years (the last one was sent 12/09/2006 @ 11:07pm, yes right after you left for the night OH I almost forgot about the phone call 12/21/06 around 10:30pm again after you left for the night) She has expressed on several different occasions how if she could turn the clock back three years she would and that all this would NOT have happened. With that being said I ask you the same thing I have asked her, many times “How long do you think this relationship built with regret will last?” in the end I think you will end up much like her first three husbands and myself (yep you’ll be number five) have ended up, broke in debt and hurt, but I also think you will deserve at least that because you knew from the two and a half, almost three years we worked together (and during that time I considered you a good friend) that L. and my kids are my whole life and they are the only reason I have gotten out of bed every day. They are the reason I worked sixty to seventy hours per week and slept in a warehouse to save money in order for us to move to Austin and get away from the Dallas area. They WERE/ARE my life!!! and I will not ever walk away from them or leave my children alone again.
With all that being said please let me give you some free advice:
1.NEVER NEVER ever run out of money (BTW $1000.00 was not enough, I know, so you better get out of that warehouse job, but don’t work too many hours)
2.Always go with her to drink coffee (After all that is how ya’ll started isn’t it?)
3.Watch out for the innocent “I talked to so and so, or I meet so and so for coffee today. (Yep I knew you two where meeting every day but I thought you were my friend, BTW watch out for your “friends” also)
4.Drill team is a shopping ground for her. (Ask her if she remembers Mike the carpet man she met at H.’s DT. practice, again you are NOT the first)
5.DO NOT take a job where you have to be out of town (I found that out and I also talked to her almost every night when you were in Beaumont)
6.Don’t trust her with anything or anyone you hold dear. (I trusted her to raise my children and look what happened.)
7.DO NOT have any outside interests like car racing her interest in them will soon fade and she’ll make you choose that interest or her. (I used to have horses that she loved)
8.Don’t put the Durango in her name (she once told me “I’ll do what ever I have to until it’s in my name.”)
9.When ya’ll buy this new house you are looking for be sure you tie it up where she can’t get it in the divorce.
I think you get the point and I’m sure you have seen your cash reserves dwindle over the last two and a half years. (Sorry to hear about the Jeep)
Good luck (you’ll need it) and Merry Christmas.
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