To the gentleman , that claims ABSS owes you money from New Orleans , here is your wake up call . The project supervisor from ABSS on the New Orleans job contacted me this morning. He informed me that you had been here months ago crying about this same thing . I told you what the Duck would do if I found you Dirty . Here it is . The Supervisor asked me not to print his name here , but I will tell you he drives a 2006 , 2500 series White Z71 Truck and has a bad as. Harley , You know I'm talking about . He said you were paid every dime that you were owed By ABSS for your work that passed QC . Dave was the man that cleaned up your shoddy work , "THATS WHAT I CALL IT , NOT ABSS" Your company did improper splicing , Ghost splicing, "Work not done but billed for" and trenches left open that had to be filled in by the prime . The last part trenches left open , thank God it wasn't on my job. If you left an open trench on my job and someone got hurt because of your companys carelessness , I'd quit ABSS just to take it to your as..s . Thats Bullsh.t . That makes my blood boil , You also left peds not replaced and countless other infractions . Your people billed you for work not done and in turn you billed ABSS . When ABSS QC people caught it , they had to fix it in order to get paid . In my book I don't want to be the prime , they are saddled with being micromanaged by the mother company and I'm not going into that now. This reminds me of Jerry Greens work in Derby , I did the QC on it . Oh my God ,is the only thing I will state at this time. A company is no better than its workers . ABSS documents all QC with digital photographs to cover their as.s . Now from me to you . Here is how to play the game . All billing is made in tripiclite , when you subbmit an invoice make sure it is dated and stampped receieved both your copy and the copy you give to the Prime , the third copy I make a copy of when the prime stampes it approved by QC . This allows you to bill the company for cleared invoices . If you work doesn't pass QC how do you expect to get paid???? You with your lack of knowledge of how to play the game dropped the ball , These are DUCKS words No reflection on ABSS . What your writing here is called liable ' "THAT is Written Slander" IF you have approved written invoices by all means take them to court , if your Ducks are in a row an attorney would take it on a contengency, at no cost to you. Thats how you cover your in this business . Don't come back here again and Badmouth the Company I work for when you don't have a leg to stand on . Don't run you mouth here to me either for explaining the game , everybody knows Ducks not a nice guy , but I am a fair Man .In your mind you may consider you had a loss , Brakefield wont beat anyone out of a dime ,that does the proper job , I wouldn't be working for the man if he did , You Cost me a dime I'll cost you a dollar , ask Terry Clark , $1700.00 cost him $10,000.00 ask him, he will tell you what the coustom work on his Phillips boat cost him . I consider Terry a good man , but sometimes when situations arise , you have to make decisinons that though at the time ,they may seem justifiable , come back to haunt you .
ABSS Employee "WHITFIELD" New Orleans
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