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$$$$$$$ Design $$$$$$$$$$$$

This ones a short statement to the designers form a splicers knowledge in the field. Areial is fine with wheeled footage . To my knowledge in underground you fail to account for whats really out there . By this your not including tail footages both from the buried depth 36 24 or 18 inches from the turn upward to the appliance , even worse is when tales go from the mainline trench to pull up into a set back easment , the most unbelieveable part is directional bore , I spliced a run the other day shot under trees and I feel certain that added 20 feet to both ends , the splicer thinks hes got bad cable because his levels are not right so he Tdrs it to find its a much longer piece of cable than is shown on the print . With these kind of conditions being all of cable is a mathmatical equasion when fed in the cad the desigh comes out wrong . This causes a loss of forward production by creating the splicer scratching his head to to tdr the cable to find the mother company dropped the ball inb the design planning stage . I'm personally tired of your shortfalls costing me and you money . So lets get it right Mother Companys . How do you like me now Ron!!
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
This is posting #181390. Tiny Link:
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: $$$$$$$ Design $$$$$$$$$$$$ Lightmaster 12/21/2006 11:26:00 AM
Re: $$$$$$$ Design You missed the point deleted 12/21/2006 12:15:00 AM
Re: $$$$$$$ Design $$$$$$$$$$$$ fencelakeflash 12/20/2006 11:25:00 PM