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President George Walker Bush Jr

George pinch yourself , I've just come up with the solution to the war that has killed my bretheren in Iraq. You have just announced that your sending in more troops(nono) here is your answer and Nato will agree with it . Pick the city with the worst violence, drop leafleats if you can buy tv do it. Tell everybody your fixn to rubble it , all those that stay will die if they remain , tired of there bullsh.i..t go to the safe zone either go there or die , you control the borders for all that leave its either surrender or die , its tough love time George. When this is done, the world will help finance the rebuilding . It may take more than the rubbilshing of more than one city to accomplish the task. I feel sorrow for the innocents that die. But there are mad men amonst us , it calls for drastic measures to extuingush the problem. You can't liberate a country without going ganster in that innocedents have to die.Make an Example . Recall Peral Harbor , Hell no !!! But your Daddy does, like my mom and dad did . Let me meet with nato AS A SPOKSMAN .I Got Your Back and Solution . You Can Walk on the moon, you can recive information from Sats in Space, You got Star Wars sh... in Space that could blow that chunk of the world into a melting pot . Are you saving that for the Alieans from outer space that the goverment totally disreguards . But You Can't End This War as.s............. Grow up George!!
(usa)(usa)(usa)(usa) "WHITFIELD"(usa)(usa)(usa)(usa)[
I'd rather live my life believeing there is God and die to find out their isn't . Than to live my life as if their wasn't God and die to find out there is ! WHITFIELD
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Re: President George Walker Bush Jr Wife of a cable guy 12/15/2006 7:16:00 AM
Re: President George Walker Bush Jr PS deleted 12/15/2006 1:02:00 AM