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Swift meats illegals.

Hundreds off illegals arrested at swift meats.
Not for being illegals. But for identity theft. A felony.
Still think these illegals are not criminals? They are willing to commit any crime they can to take your lively hood and your life away from you. All with the support of your government and your chamber of commerce. Poor sobbing wifes of illegals in handcuffs, on TV stating, that some one has to put a stop to this terrible and inhumane treatment of them.
What about that poor lady holed up in that church in Chicago.
Do not worry illegal lady. Comprehensive border security is going to protect you. I am sure many off the cable dawgs will give your husband their jobs.
Just a thought.
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There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Swift meats illegals. dumyid 12/14/2006 4:59:00 PM
Re: Swift meats illegals. bushmaster 12/14/2006 3:19:00 PM
Re: Swift meats illegals. Gwester843 12/14/2006 12:02:00 PM